Spring 2024 webinar schedule released

Check out the Third Thursday Web Forum schedule for the 2024 spring season! We’ve lined up some fantastic presenters for March, April, and May. SECAS hosts these webinars on the third Thursday of each month at 10 am Eastern time. »Click here for an interactive pdf of the flyer, with functioning links.
These webinars and other SECAS events are available on the SECAS event calendar.
- The March 21st web forum @ 10 am ET features a presentation by Dr. Matt Poti of NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal and Ocean Science. He will be presenting on deep-sea coral and hardbottom suitability models that are incorporated into several Gulf and Atlantic marine indicators in the Southeast Conservation Blueprint. No pre-registration required; just click to join the Teams meeting when the time comes!
- The April 18th web forum @ 10 am ET will showcase the results of a recent Social Network Analysis (SNA) assessing the SECAS partnership led by Dr. Patrick Bixler of the University of Texas and Dr. Shawn Johnson of the University of Montana. No pre-registration required; just click to join the Teams meeting when the time comes! For more background on the SNA project, »check out Joshua Toran’s blog from last summer.
- The May 16th web forum @ 10 am ET features Dr. Michelle Moorman of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Southeast Inventory and Monitoring Program. She will present work conducted in partnership with Dr. Neil Ganju to assess changes in coastal wetlands through a remote sensing approach assessing unvegetated-vegetated ratios, long-term monitoring using Surface Elevation Tables, and on-the-ground experience from managers of coastal National Wildlife Refuges. No pre-registration required; just click to join the Teams meeting when the time comes! For more background on this work, »read Michelle’s blog from last summer.