From the archive - Paper in BioScience on the future of landscape conservation

A recent article in the journal BioScience makes a case for the importance of Landscape Conservation Cooperatives, and suggests ways LCCs can improve into the future. In particular, the paper references the South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint as an example of the power of focusing on a mission of systematic conservation planning, saying “in retrospect, LCCs that focused on landscape-scale planning (e.g., Pickens et al. 2017) have made the biggest impact.”
The article also emphasizes the need to improve the consistency and applicability of planning methodologies, and to scale conservation plans across geographic boundaries. The LCCs in the Southeast and Caribbean have made major strides toward that goal already through the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy, developing a Southeast-wide Blueprint that seams together the spatial priorities of multiple LCCs.
The paper is open access, so you can read the full text here: