SECAS brings together public and private organizations around a bold vision for the future of our region. We're connecting the lands and waters of the Southeast and Caribbean to support healthy ecosystems, thriving fish and wildlife populations, and vibrant communities. With a data-driven spatial plan and an ambitious regional goal, SECAS helps accelerate conservation action in the places where it will make the biggest impact.
From the blog
Upcoming webinars in the SECAS Third Thursday Web Forum series. Spring Third Thursday Web Forum flyer now available
Check out the Third Thursday Web Forum schedule for the 2025 spring season! We’ve lined up some fantastic presenters for September, October, and November. SECAS hosts these webinars on the third Thursday of each month at 10 am Eastern time. »Click here for an interactive pdf of the flyer with links to register.
- March 20th, 2025 @ 10 am ET: Developing the Eastern ruffed grouse conservation plan. The March presentation by Zak Danks with the Kentucky Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Resources will highlight a cross-state and international regional planning effort to guide future efforts to conserve ruffed grouse population, which have declined by at least half during the last 30 years within their eastern range.
SECAS staff have developed two new draft indicators of imperiled mammals and reptiles and amphibians that draw from the Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need list. Help review imperiled mammals and imperiled amphibians and reptiles indicators for the 2025 Southeast Conservation Blueprint update
Every year, we host workshops that provide people opportunities to review the Southeast Conservation Blueprint. Through these workshops, and by working closely with people who use the Blueprint to help inform their work, we learn if we’re missing important places or have incorrectly identified places as a priority. From our last round of workshops, we heard from several people that the Blueprint is missing some of the lands and waters that are important for terrestrial animal biodiversity (we already represent areas of aquatic animal biodiversity through the imperiled aquatic species indicator).
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The SECAS symposium at the 2024 SEAFWA annual conference was a success! SECAS symposium at SEAWFA - Building the Southeast landscape of the future together
For the last 10 years, SECAS has presented a symposium in conjunction with the annual conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA). Generally, this has been an opportunity for SECAS to showcase its recent accomplishments and to gain insights and feedback from symposium attendees regarding future directions. However, the 2024 symposium on December 11th in Augusta, GA, Building the Southeast Landscape of the Future Together, departed from the typical focus on deep dives into the Southeast Conservation Blueprint and the SECAS Goal Report, and instead emphasized a related effort, the Southeast Landscape of the Future, to build on the success, agreement, and commitment to collaboration and collective action that emerged from the February 2024 Southeast Landscape of the Future Summit.
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