Southeast butterfly trends - Some bad news but also signs of conservation impact
There was a recent paper in Science about butterfly declines in the United states from 2000-2020. The data comes from >76,000 surveys from 35 different monitoring programs. I dug a little deeper into the trends in the Southeast. I figured I’d share some of the things that I found interesting. Apologies to folks in Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Virginia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, because the paper’s “Southeast” region didn’t include those states and territories. It did include most SECAS states, though!
Overall trends in the Southeast
- Butterflies declined by 4.8% from 2000-2020. That’s 0.25% decline every year.
Signs of conservation impact
- Monarch populations increased by 47% from 2000-2020. As many of you know, there have been major efforts to bring back monarchs over that period.
Species-specific trends in the Southeast
Scientific name | Common name | Trend | Cumulative change (2000 - 2020) |
Poanes yehl | Yehl Skipper | declining | -97.61% |
Danaus eresimus | Soldier | declining | -90.99% |
Brephidium isophthalma | Eastern Pygmy-Blue | declining | -90.93% |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | declining | -90.29% |
Satyrium favonius | Oak Hairstreak | declining | -89.66% |
Nymphalis antiopa | Mourning Cloak | declining | -86.81% |
Pholisora catullus | Common Sootywing | declining | -83.02% |
Euphyes berryi | Berry's Skipper | declining | -79.74% |
Euphyes pilatka | Palatka Skipper | declining | -78.04% |
Staphylus hayhurstii | Hayhurst's Scallopwing | declining | -74.39% |
Speyeria cybele | Great Spangled Fritillary | declining | -72.59% |
Colias eurytheme | Orange Sulphur | declining | -72.21% |
Colias philodice | Clouded Sulphur | declining | -71.97% |
Satyrium calanus | Banded Hairstreak | declining | -71.09% |
Thorybes confusis | Confused Cloudywing | declining | -70.63% |
Satyrium titus | Coral Hairstreak | declining | -68.61% |
Atlides halesus | Great Purple Hairstreak | declining | -68.50% |
Euphyes arpa | Palmetto Skipper | declining | -67.95% |
Electrostrymon angelia | Fulvous Hairstreak | declining | -66.40% |
Vanessa virginiensis | American Lady | declining | -64.07% |
Vanessa atalanta | Red Admiral | declining | -63.27% |
Polites origenes | Crossline Skipper | declining | -62.63% |
Parrhasius m-album | White M Hairstreak | declining | -62.62% |
Megisto cymela | Little Wood-Satyr | declining | -61.79% |
Polygonus leo | Hammock Skipper | possibly declining | -61.17% |
Thorybes bathyllus | Southern Cloudywing | declining | -57.90% |
Pieris rapae | Cabbage White | declining | -56.34% |
Calephelis virginiensis | Little Metalmark | declining | -53.32% |
Calycopis cecrops | Red-banded Hairstreak | declining | -51.05% |
Polygonia comma | Eastern Comma | declining | -49.83% |
Erynnis zarucco | Zarucco Duskywing | declining | -49.65% |
Euptoieta claudia | Variegated Fritillary | declining | -48.73% |
Erynnis baptisiae | Wild Indigo Duskywing | declining | -47.71% |
Pontia protodice | Checkered White | declining | -46.69% |
Enodia creola | Creole Pearly-eye | possibly declining | -46.36% |
Battus polydamas | Polydamas Swallowtail | declining | -46.13% |
Cercyonis pegala | Common Wood-Nymph | declining | -44.26% |
Atalopedes campestris | Sachem | declining | -44.17% |
Marpesia petreus | Ruddy Daggerwing | declining | -44.05% |
Vanessa cardui | Painted Lady | declining | -43.96% |
Polygonia interrogationis | Question Mark | declining | -42.95% |
Cyllopsis gemma | Gemmed Satyr | declining | -41.99% |
Amblyscirtes aesculapius | Lace-winged Roadside-Skipper | declining | -41.56% |
Limenitis archippus | Viceroy | declining | -40.14% |
Asterocampa clyton | Tawny Emperor | declining | -38.83% |
Pyrgus communis | Common Checkered-Skipper | declining | -36.99% |
Papilio palamedes | Palamedes Swallowtail | declining | -36.99% |
Polites vibex | Whirlabout | declining | -32.70% |
Epargyreus clarus | Silver-spotted Skipper | declining | -31.22% |
Strymon melinus | Gray Hairstreak | declining | -30.06% |
Hermeuptychia sosybius | Carolina Satyr | declining | -29.46% |
Lerodea eufala | Eufala Skipper | possibly declining | -26.39% |
Papilio polyxenes | Black Swallowtail | declining | -26.34% |
Papilio cresphontes | Giant Swallowtail | declining | -25.33% |
Phyciodes tharos | Pearl Crescent | possibly declining | -20.46% |
Papilio troilus | Spicebush Swallowtail | declining | -19.95% |
Lerema accius | Clouded Skipper | possibly increasing | 23.91% |
Agraulis vanillae | Gulf Fritillary | increasing | 32.50% |
Leptotes cassius | Cassius Blue | possibly increasing | 41.96% |
Danaus plexippus | Monarch | increasing | 47.18% |
Phoebis sennae | Cloudless Sulphur | increasing | 49.89% |
Poanes zabulon | Zabulon Skipper | increasing | 53.21% |
Phyciodes phaon | Phaon Crescent | increasing | 64.61% |
Thorybes pylades | Northern Cloudywing | increasing | 65.21% |
Eurytides marcellus | Zebra Swallowtail | increasing | 67.16% |
Panoquina ocola | Ocola Skipper | increasing | 67.62% |
Eurema lisa | Little Yellow | increasing | 77.07% |
Heliconius charithonia | Zebra Heliconian | increasing | 91.33% |
Nathalis iole | Dainty Sulphur | increasing | 92.65% |
Anaea andria | Goatweed Leafwing | increasing | 99.38% |
Dryas iulia | Julia Heliconian | increasing | 111.23% |
Chlosyne nycteis | Silvery Checkerspot | increasing | 132.68% |
Junonia evarete | Mangrove Buckeye | increasing | 145.27% |
Eurema daira | Barred Yellow | increasing | 171.08% |
Ascia monuste | Great Southern White | increasing | 208.73% |
Anartia jatrophae | White Peacock | increasing | 248.96% |
Strymon istapa | Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak | increasing | 301.31% |
Hemiargus ceraunus | Ceraunus Blue | increasing | 314.60% |
Erynnis funeralis | Funereal Duskywing | increasing | 343.31% |
Boloria bellona | Meadow Fritillary | possibly increasing | 397.03% |