Have you registered for a Blueprint 2024 workshop yet?

Have you registered yet for a free virtual workshop to review Southeast Blueprint 2024? Visit the workshop page to learn more and sign up!
As I mentioned in my blog last month, workshops to review the latest version of the Southeast Blueprint are coming up from Oct. 22-Nov. 7. Each workshop will be hosted on Zoom and last 1.5 hours. You’ll be able to review any and every part of the SECAS geography, from the continental Southeast to the U.S. Caribbean.
Just like last year, we’ll be using an interactive mapping platform that allows you to look closely at the places you know and record areas that look about right, areas that are underprioritized or overprioritized, and areas that you have questions about. The input we gather through workshops is an integral part of the annual Blueprint revision cycle. It helps ensure the Blueprint captures the shared priorities of the conservation community and accurately reflects conditions on the ground. It also helps SECAS staff prioritize the most important improvements to tackle next!
The main difference from the last two rounds of workshops is that you’ll be reviewing a final version the Blueprint, rather than a draft. This will allow you to access the underlying data and documentation to help inform your feedback, so you can better understand why areas are prioritized. We’ll incorporate what we learn into the “known issues” of the Blueprint 2024 documentation, and start folding it into Blueprint improvements in version 2025 and beyond!
We hope to see you there! Contact me at hilary_morris@fws.gov if you have any questions.