Summer 2024 web forum schedule

The flyer for this summer’s Third Thursday Web Forum series is now available! As the name implies, these webinars are held on the third Thursday of each month at 10 am Eastern time. We hope you’ll join us. »Click here for an interactive pdf of the flyer, with functioning links.
These webinars and other SECAS events are available on the SECAS event calendar. Advance registration is not required and all three summer webinars use the typical Teams connection.
- The June web forum on 6/20 @ 10 am ET will highlight emerging tools out of the University of Arkansas for identifying intact grasslands and tracking restoration outcomes.
- The July web forum on 7/18 @ 10 am ET will focus on what more stringent national ambient air quality standards mean for prescribed fire in the Southeast, and strategies to continue regular fire management into the future, based on recent collaborative work led by the state of Georgia.
- The August web forum on 8/15 @ 10 am ET will feature work from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department on filling knowledge gaps in rare species conservation to overcome “analysis paralysis”.