Winter Third Thursday Web Forum flyer

Check out the remainder of the Third Thursday Web Forum schedule for the winter season! We skipped December since lots of folks tend to be out of the office around the holidays, but we have great speakers lined up for January and February. As always, SECAS hosts these webinars on the third Thursday of each month at 10 am Eastern time. »Click here for an interactive pdf of the flyer, with functioning links.
These webinars and other SECAS events are available on the SECAS event calendar.
- The January web forum on 1/18 @ 10 am ET will be co-hosted with the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center using their Zoom connection, so pre-registration is required. It features a presentation by multiple staff of the Atlanta Botanical Garden focused on the recently released Southeastern plant Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need (RSGCN) list–the first in the nation! To learn more about this fantastic resource ahead of the webinar, check out their recent blog.
- The February web forum on 2/15 @ 10 am ET will be back to the usual Teams connection, so there’s no need to register–just click the link to join the webinar at the scheduled date and time. We’ll hear from staff of NatureServe about the results of a project to compare the priorities in the Southeast Conservation Blueprint with imperiled species distribution data. This presentation builds on a previous talk from January of last year, which outlined the assessment’s intent and approach. Lessons learned from this analysis will help improve the Blueprint’s coverage of important areas for rare species!