October 18th SECAS symposium at SEAFWA now fully virtual - Don't forget to register!

Make plans to attend the virtual SECAS symposium at the upcoming Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies’ (SEAFWA) annual conference, on Monday, October 18 from 1:20 - 5 pm Eastern. The symposium, SECAS and 30 by 30: Identifying Opportunities and Defining Outcomes in the Southeast, examines the potential of the America the Beautiful conservation initiative and the national goal to conserve 30 percent of the nation’s lands and waters by 2030. The symposium format features key conservation leaders and practitioners seeking common understanding and demonstrating complementary approaches for conservation achievement in the Southeast. A concluding session with facilitated breakouts will identify next steps and recommendations for scaling up collaboration to achieve common conservation goals through SECAS.
Symposium attendees must register for the SEAFWA conference to receive access links to the virtual event. Conference registration is available at http://www.seafwa.org/conference/registration/ and there is a special “Monday Only” registration rate of $150, which includes access to the conference plenary session in the morning and the SECAS symposium in the afternoon. More information is available at http://www.seafwa.org/conference/.
See the flyer below describing the symposium, and access a downloadable pdf of the flyer here. For more information, contact Mallory Martin, SECAS Coordinator, at mallory_martin@fws.gov.