Southeast Blueprint 2020 now officially complete

It’s October, and that means an updated version of the Southeast Conservation Blueprint.
Significant improvements over the last version include:
- Major improvements to the inland area covered by the South Atlantic Blueprint including finer resolution and a more connected network of priorities.
- Improvements to the area covered by the Middle Southeast Blueprint including updated data and an approach to overall area prioritized that will make comparisons across the Southeast more consistent.
- Better integration in areas where the South Atlantic Blueprint overlaps with the Florida Blueprint and with Natures Network.
You can access the data, documentation, and user guide in the Southeast Blueprint 2020 Data Gallery on the Southeast Conservation Planning Atlas (CPA)
The new Southeast Conservation Blueprint viewer is also coming along really well. It’s not ready yet, but we’ve got some really cool features in the works, including custom reporting and the ability to look underneath the priority classes to see why each area is a priority. Hopefully we’ll have something for public release next month.