New representation for SECAS Points of Contact

The SECAS Points of Contact (POCs) fill a vital role in the function and success of the SECAS initiative. Although the time commitment is minimal, POCs have a large influence on helping direct SECAS core functions including prioritizing staff effort, refining and improving the Southeast Blueprint, and tracking and revising the SECAS Goal report. Until now, SECAS POCs were appointed by and represented the Directors of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) and the Principals of the Southeast Natural Resource Leaders Group (SENRLG) of federal agencies having natural resource management responsibilities.
At its in-person meeting last fall, the SECAS Steering Committee recognized the strategic need to increase the diversity of input and perspective of the POCs group by adding additional representatives. The committee recommended to seek representation from the Southern Group of State Foresters, The Nature Conservancy, and the Open Space Institute to incorporate broader perspectives into SECAS core functions from non-state and non-federal partners. An additional outcome of this action begins to address a longstanding need for increased cross-organizational participation and coordination among SECAS partner organizations.
We welcome the following as new members of the SECAS POCs and look forward to their participation in helping guide the SECAS initiative:
- Gary Wood – Southern Group of State Foresters
- Eric Krueger – The Nature Conservancy
- Joel Houser – Open Space Institute