Sharing science to support climate adaptation

On November 13-15, 2019 the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center will be hosting a Regional Science Symposium in New Orleans, Louisiana. This symposium is intended for researchers and managers working in the southeastern United States, including the U.S. Caribbean, on climate impacts and adaptation for fish, wildlife, habitat, and cultural resources. Decision makers and practitioners from state fish and wildlife agencies, federal organizations, Tribal Nations and Tribal organizations, and NGOs are encouraged to attend.
Objectives of the symposium are to:
- Support climate adaptation efforts by sharing science resources and tools and providing natural and cultural resource managers and regional experts with an opportunity to share lessons learned and best practices.
- Discuss and identify gaps and needs for actionable science that meets the requirements of managers for on-the-ground application.
- Provide a venue for researchers, managers, and other practitioners to share information about current activities, plans, and opportunities for collaboration.
The meeting will include combined and breakout sessions around topics such as:
- Cultural treatment of natural resources: A holistic integrative approach to conservation
- Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy
- Terrestrial habitat and species impacts in forest and grassland landscapes
- Prescribed fire, wildfire, and land management; Sea level rise drivers of habitat transformation
- Coastal resilience: Perspectives from the social sciences; ecosystem services and more.
Please consider joining in these presentations and discussions, which will help forge stronger connections between science on climate impacts and adaptation and its application to management decisions.
For more symposium information and registration details, visit our website: