Don’t miss the SECAS goal symposium at SEAFWA!

The fall SEAFWA annual conference is right around the corner: October 27-30th in Hilton Head, SC. The Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS) will be featured in multiple ways throughout the meeting. If you’re planning to attend, you won’t want to miss the special symposium on the SECAS goal called “The SECAS 10% Goal: How Do We Get There?”. This symposium will focus on recent trends and progress toward the goal, as well as strategies for integration with existing conservation initiatives. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, October 29th from 8 am – 12 noon.
Afterward, we recommend you check out the “Responding to SEAFWA’s Wildlife Management Needs at the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center” symposium, which is scheduled for the afternoon of Tuesday October 29th, from 1 pm – 5 pm.
You may also be interested in another symposium with connections to SECAS, “The State of Conservation Social Sciences in the Southeast: Highlighting a Growing Field” on the afternoon of Monday October 28, from 1 pm – 5 pm.
My blog from back in May summarizes what to expect from each of these symposia, or you can read the full descriptions on the SEAFWA conference website.