Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability (SERPPAS) logo

Last month, Addie’s blog talked about the Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability (SERPPAS) Good Map project. The idea is for the Good Map to serve as a visual way for diverse partners to identify overlapping interests and areas for collaboration where they could get mutual benefits. Sounds familiar, right? Mallory and I have been involved in SERPPAS for awhile, but this project in particular seemed like a perfect fit for the Blueprint. Addie already mentioned that the Blueprint is being included in the Good Map, but I thought I’d follow up with some more detail on the benefits to the Blueprint and Blueprint users.

Benefit #1: More potential Blueprint users – This is the most obvious one. As a plan for shared conservation action, the more people that use the Blueprint, the more powerful it becomes.

Benefit #2: New data to improve the Blueprint – We’re always on the lookout for better data to improve the Blueprint. This is a good chance to hear about other data available that we could use to improve the indicators.

Benefit #3: Data on co-benefits for the military mission, agriculture, and renewable energy – Whether you’re a Blueprint user and working for the military, agriculture, or conservation, these new data layers can help you make a more compelling case for your actions. If you like to do things on your own, there’ll be a web portal for you to access all the data. If you’d like some help, Blueprint user support staff can help integrate this information into proposals or your organization’s priorities! Just visit the contact page and reach out to the user support lead for your state.